
考试站(www.examzz.com)   【考试站:中国教育考试第一门户】   2013年5月17日

  About 2,000 thunderstorms are occurring in the world at any time, generating about 100 lighting strikes every second, or 8 million daily. Within the United States, lightning strikes are estimated at 20 million a year, or about 22,000 per day. You have a 1-in-600,000 chance of bring struck by lightning during your lifetime. Lightning can strike twice or more in the same spot. The Empire State Building in New York is struck by lightning about two dozen times annually.

  You can measure how far you are from a lightning strike by counting the seconds between viewing the flash and hearing the bang, and then dividing by five. This approximates the mileage.


  1. Paragraphs 2 and 3转自:考试站 examzz.com

  2. Paragraph 4

  3. Paragraph 5

  4. Paragraph 6

  A Cloud-to-ground lightning occurring in the U.S.

  B Types of lightning

  C Cause of lightning

  D Differences between thunder and thunderstorm

  E Frequencies of thunderstorms occurring in the world and the U.S.

  F Shock waves as thunder

  5. In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the ground's surface …

  6. One form of lightning that … is ball lightning …

  7. Cloud lightning looks like a ribbon when its lighting channel …

  8. Although not fully understanding processes of lightning, man …

  A occurs most infrequently.

  B is shifted sideways by strong winds.

  C is often hidden from our view.

  D is equipped with a good knowledge of various forms of lightning .

  E is estimated at 20 millions a year.

  F is positively charged.


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